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Found 945 results for any of the keywords rdf xml. Time 0.008 seconds.
dblp: Merrill WarkentinList of computer science publications by Merrill Warkentin
Mivvi Annotated ExampleThis is an annotated example file. If you don’t understand RDF/XML, it will be baffling and obscure. If you do, it will be patronising and unnecessary. If you have some familiarity with RDF, but still find the syntax a l
World Wide Web Consortium - WikipediaThe organization tries to foster compatibility and agreement among industry members in the adoption of new standards defined by the W3C. Incompatible versions of HTML are offered by different vendors, causing inconsisten
Sitemap for Carolina Web Hosting = More Web Hosting for Less Money!Site map to Carolina Web Hosting on a FAST Dedicated Green web server with fiber optic speed. Offers content in 9 different file formats with Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0 feeds and PDF, RDF, ROR or OPML files.
Worldwide Banner Exchange - Free Worldwide Banners Ads - Site MapSite map for Worldwide Banner Exchange, offering you Geo-Targeted Global Banner Ad Campaigns for FREE! Page uses 9 different file formats with Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0 feeds and PDF, RDF, ROR + OPML files.
Sitemap for Apple logo with Steve Jobs outline as Bite in AppleXHTML Sitemap for Apple logo with silhouette outline of Steve Jobs as Bite in the Apple Logo! Offers content in 9 different file formats with Atom 1.0 or RSS 2.0 feeds and PDF, RDF, ROR or OPML files.
Carolina MegaMall List of NC + SC Malls Sitemap - CarolinaMegaMall.comSite map for Carolina MegaMall - We help you find ANY mall store in ANY mall in North or South Carolina! Find links to ALL NC and SC malls plus site maps and feeds in RSS 2.0, Atom 1.0, OPML and RDF!
W3C standards and drafts | W3CThe World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international community where Member organizations, a full-time staff, and the public work together to develop Web standards.
W3CThe World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops standards and guidelines to help everyone build a web based on the principles of accessibility, internationalization, privacy and security.
1956 Wildlife Conservation US Postage Stamps - XHTML Site MapSite map for 1956 Wildlife Conservation US Postage Stamp of Wild Turkey in flight. Designed by 1946 Federal Duck Stamp Artist Bob Hines, they are now RARE Collector Items! Order your own Rare Stamps!
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